Space Law TOP
Contents Intoroduction Preliminaries Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Appendix Index

Explanatory Notes

1.Document's Title
An official title is put on every document in the data base. As to the documents of domestic laws and policies, their official titles are followed by the name of a country, and the dates of enactment, statements and publication.

Some parts of the document are omitted in case of mentioning abstract after the title.

As to the international field of Japanese documents or non-Japanese documents, the Japanese text or the official translation in the official gazette are principally used. If any change in these texts is required, a review committee made necessary revision based upon the relevant documents.

A header is mentioned in the document, if it is so.

Commentaries of the documents do not intend for each of the documents, but for better understanding of these documents in the block, with special attention to the international or domestic situation when these documents were made and any influence of the situation over space development

Available documents are used as of June 1, 1998.