OUTER SPACE FOR PEACEFUL PURPOSES(Signed on July 13, 1973, Proclaimed on
March 25, 1977)
The Governments of the People's Republic of
Bulgaria, the Hungarian People's Republic, the German Democratic Republic, the
Republic of Cuba, the Mongolian People's Republic, the Polish People's
Republic, the Socialist Republic of Romania, the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics and the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, hereinafter referred to as "the
Contracting Parties",
DESIRING to extend further the fraternal
friendship and multilateral co-operation among them,
HAVING REGARD to the tasks involved in the implementation
of the Comprehensive Programme for the further intensification and improvement
of co-operation and the development of the socialist economic integration of
the member countries of the Council for Mutual Economic Assistance,
RECOGNIZING the desirability of a closer and
more effective joining of forces in the exploration and use of outer space for
peaceful purposes,
DESIRING to connoneate the accumulated positive
experience of co-operation among them in this field,
TAKING ACCOUNT of the great practical
significance of the results of space research to various branches of the
national economy,
CONVINCED that the development of
international co-operation in the exploration and use of outer space, including
the Moon and other celestial bodies, for peaceful purposes will serve the
interests of the peoples of the entire world,
BEARING IN MIND the provisions of the Treaty
on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of
Outer Space, including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, of 27 January 1967,
*Text reproduced from a letter dated 4 October
1976 from the Acting Permanent Representative of the Union of Soviet Socialist
Republics to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General, A/C.1/31/3
5 October 1976 (original in Russian).
Article 1
The Contracting Parties shall promote in every
way the further development of co-operation by interested organizations of
their countries in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful
Article 2
Continuing and further developing the
programme of joint space research adopted in 1967 (the "Intercosmos" programme),
co-operation shall be carried on in the following basic areas:
- Study of the physical properties of outer
- Space meteorology;
- Space biology and medicine;
- Space communications;
- Study of the natural environment by means of
space devices.
Article 3
Co-operation in the basic areas enumerated in
article 2 of this Agreement may be carried on in the following forms:
The launching of space objects for
scientific and applications purposes;
The production of apparatus for conducting
joint space research;
Experiments on board geophysical and
meteorological rockets;
The conduct of joint observations and experimental
and theoretical research on space subjects;
The processing, analysis and utilization of
the results of joint space research for scientific and applications purposes,
and the preparation of joint publications;
The holding of consultations between
interested countries and the provision, in accordance with special
agreements, of mutual scientific and technical assistance, including the
exchange of technology, on individual subjects and projects in the field of
the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes;
The holding of symposia, conferences,
seminars and other meetings;
The exchange of scientific and technical
documentation and information.
Article 4
The Contracting Parties may determine other
areas and forms of co-operation in the exploration and use of outer space for
peaceful purposes.
Article 5
The co-ordination of work for the
implementation of this Agreement in each country shall be entrusted to a
national co-ordinating organ for co-operation in the exploration and use of
outer space (hereinafter referred to as "the national organ").
Article 6
Co-operation between the interested
organizations of the Contracting Parties shall be carried on on the basis of
agreed programmes and plans which define the conditions for the conduct of
specific space experiments and investigations.
Depending on their interest, organizations of
all the Contracting Parties or of some of them may participate in the said
programmes and plans.
Each Contracting Party shall finance the work
and measures conducted by its organizations on the basis of the documents
referred to in this article, except as otherwise provided by special
Article 7
The adoption of decisions and recommendations
on programmes and plans for joint work conducted in accordance with this
Agreement, and the consideration of questions relating to the organization of
co-operation, including the establishment and activity of permanently functioning
mixed working groups, shall be carried out by the Meeting of Leaders of
National Organs (hereinafter referred to as "the Meeting").
Sessions of the Meeting shall be held at least
once a year, as a rule, successively in the countries participating in this
The chairman of each session of the Meeting
shall be the leader of the national organ of the country in which the session is
During the period between sessions of the
Meeting, general co-ordination of the activities of the national organs for the
implementation of this Agreement shall be carried on by the national organ of
the depositary country.
Article 8
Decisions and recommendations of the Meeting
shall be adopted by a majority of the votes of the leaders of the national
organs and shall be recorded in an appropriate protocol. The leader of each
national organ shall have one vote in the Meeting.
Decisions and recommendations of the Meeting
shall not be binding on those Contracting Parties which did not vote for their
adoption. However, those Parties may, if they are interested, subsequently
accede to the said decisions and recommendations.
Questions relating to co-operation involving
only some of the Contracting Parties shall be decided by agreement between the
leaders of the national organs of those Parties.
Article 9
The agreed space experiments and
investigations shall be carried out by the interested organizations acting
within the permanently functioning mixed working groups in the basic areas of
Article 10
The scientific results of joint space
experiments and investigations may, by agreement between all the countries
participating in them, be given to scientists and scientific organizations and
institutions of other countries.
Article 11
This Agreement shall not affect the rights and
duties of the Contracting Parties arising out of other international agreements
concluded by them or the right of the Contracting Parties to conclude between
themselves or with third States other multilateral and bilateral agreements in
matters of co-operation in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful
Article 12
This Agreement is subject to ratification or
approval in accordance with the legislation of the Contracting Parties.
The instruments of ratification or
certificates of approval shall be deposited with the Government of the Union of
Soviet Socialist Republics, which is designated as the depositary of the
This Agreement shall enter into force after
the deposit of instruments of ratification or certificates of approval by six
Contracting Parties.
In respect of Contracting Parties whose
instruments of ratification or certificates of approval are deposited after the
entry into force of the Agreement, it shall enter into force on the date of the
deposit of their instruments of ratification or certificates of approval.
Article 13
Other countries may also accede to this
Agreement with the consent of the Contracting Parties.
A statement in writing concerning the
accession shall be transmitted to the depositary, which shall inform all the
Contracting Parties of that fact.
Accession to the Agreement shall be considered
to have taken place on the date of the reception by the depositary of the
consent thereto, in writing, of two thirds of the Contracting Parties.
Article 14
This Agreement shall remain in force for a
term of 10 years.
It shall continue in force for successive
periods of five years in respect of each Contracting Party which does not, six
months before the ex-
Article 15
Any Contracting Party may dissociate itself from this Agreement by transmitting a notice in writing to that effect after 12 months to the depositary, which shall immediately inform all the Contracting Parties of the said notice.
Article 16
The original of this Agreement shall be deposited in the archives of the depositary, which shall send duty centified copies of this Agreement to all the Contracting Parties.
Done in Moscow on 13 July 1976, in one copy in the Russian language.