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Contents Intoroduction Preliminaries Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Appendix Index

Annex: Procedures for the Settlement of Disputes Referred to in Articles 31 of the Convention and Article XVI of the Operating Agreement

Article: 1

Disputes cognizable pursuant to Article 31 of the Convention or Article XVI of the Operating Agreement shall be dealt with by an arbitral tribunal of three members.

Article: 2

Any petitioner or group of petitioners wishing to submit a dispute to arbitration shall provide each respondent and the Directorate with a document containing:


A full description of the dispute, the reasons why each respondent is required to participate in the arbitration, and the measures being requested.


The reasons why the subject matter of the dispute comes within the competence of a tribunal and why the measures requested can be granted if the tribunal finds in favour of the petitioner.


An explanation why the petitioner has been unable to achieve a settlement of the dispute by negotiation or other means short of arbitration.


Evidence of the agreement or consent of the disputants when this is a condition for arbitration.


The name of the person designated by the petitioner to serve as a member of the tribunal.

The Directorate shall promptly distribute a copy of the document to each Party and Signatory.

Article: 3


Within sixty days from the date copies of the document described in Article 2 have been received by all the respondents, they shall collectively designate an individual to serve as a member of the tribunal. Within that period, the respondents may jointly or individually provide each disputant and the Directorate with a document stating their individual or collective responses to the document referred to in Article 2 and including any counter-claims arising out of the subject matter of the dispute.


Within thirty days after the designation of the two members of the tribunal, they shall agree on a third arbitrator. He shall not be of the same nationality as, or resident in the territory of, any disputant, or in its service.


If either side fails to nominate an arbitrator within the period specified or if the third arbitrator is not appointed within the period specified, the President of the International Court of Justice, or, if he is prevented from acting or is of the same nationality as a disputant, the Vice-President, or, if he is prevented from acting or is of the same nationality as a disputant, the senior judge who is not of the same nationality as any disputant, may at the request of either disputant, appoint an arbitrator or arbitrators as the case requires.


The third arbitrator shall act as president of the tribunal.


The tribunal is constituted as soon as the president is selected.

Article: 4


If a vacancy occurs in the tribunal for any reason which the president or the remaining members of the tribunal decide is beyond the control of the disputants, or is compatible with the proper conduct of the arbitration proceedings, the vacancy shall be filled in accordance with the following provisions:


If the vacancy occurs as a result of the withdrawal of a member appointed by a side to the dispute, then that side shall select a replacement within ten days after the vacancy occurs.


If the vacancy occurs as a result of the withdrawal of the president or of a member appointed pursuant to Article 3(3), a replacement shall be selected in the manner described in paragraph (2) or (3), respectively, of Article 3.


If a vacancy occurs for any other reason, or if a vacancy occurring pursuant to paragraph (1) is not filled, the remainder of the tribunal shall have the power, notwithstanding Article 1, upon request of one side, to continue the proceedings and give the final decision of the tribunal.

Article: 5


The tribunal shall decide the date and place of its meetings.


The proceedings shall be held in private and all material presented to the tribunal shall be confidential. However, the Organization and any Party which has designated a Signatory which is a disputant in the proceedings shall have the right to be present and shall have access to the material presented. When the Organization is a disputant in the proceedings, all Parties and all Signatories shall have the right to be present and shall have the access to the material presented.


In the event of a dispute over the competence of the tribunal, the tribunal shall deal with that question first.


The proceedings shall be conducted in writing, and each side shall have the right to submit written evidence in support of its allegations of fact and law. However, oral arguments and testimony may be given if the tribunal considers it appropriate.


The proceedings shall commence with the presentation of the case of the petitioner containing its arguments, related facts supported by evidence and the principles of law relied upon. The case of the petitioner shall be followed by the counter-case of the respondent. The petitioner may submit a reply to the counter-case of the respondent and the respondent may submit a rejoinder. Additional pleadings shall be submitted only if the tribunal determines they are necessary.


The tribunal shall hear and determine counter-claims arising directly out of the subject matter of the dispute, if the counter-claims are within its competence as defined in Article 31 of the Convention and Article XVI of the Operating Agreement.


If the disputants reach an agreement during the proceedings, the agreement shall be recorded in the form of a decision of the tribunal given by consent of the disputants.


At any time during the proceedings, the tribunal may terminate the proceedings if it decides the dispute is beyond its competence as defined in Article 31 of the Convention or Article XVI of the Operating Agreement.


The deliberations of the tribunal shall be secret.


The decisions of the tribunal shall be presented in writing and shall be supported by a written opinion. Its rulings and decisions must be supported by at least two members. A member dissenting from the decision may submit a separate written opinion.


The tribunal shall forward its decision to the Directorate, which shall distribute it to all Parties and Signatories.


The tribunal may adopt additional rules of procedure, consistent with those established by this Annex, which are appropriate for the proceedings.

Article: 6

If one side fails to present its case, the other side may call upon the tribunal to give a decision on the basis of its presentation. Before giving its decision, the tribunal shall satisfy itself that it has competence and that the case is well-founded in fact and in law.

Article: 7


Any Party whose Signatory is a disputant shall have the right to intervene and become an additional disputant. Intervention shall be made by written notification to the tribunal and to the other disputants.


Any other Party, any Signatory or the Organization may apply to the tribunal for permission to intervene and become an additional disputant. The tribunal shall grant permission if it determines that the applicant has a substantial interest in the case.

Article: 8

The tribunal may appoint experts to assist it at the request of a disputant or on its own initiative.

Article: 9

Each Party, each Signatory and the Organization shall provide all information which the tribunal, at the request of a disputant or on its own initiative, determines to be required for the handling and determination of the dispute.

Article: 10

Pending the final decision, the tribunal may indicate any provisional measures which it considers ought to be taken to preserve the respective rights of the disputants.

Article: 11


The decision of the tribunal shall be in accordance with international law and be based on:


The Convention and the Operating Agreement.


Generally accepted principles of law.


The decision of the tribunal, including any reached by agreement of the disputant pursuant to Article 5(7), shall be binding on all the disputants, and shall be carried out by them in good faith. If the Organization is a disputant, and the tribunal decides that a decision of any organ of the Organization is null and void as not being authorized by or in compliance with the Convention and the Operating Agreement, the decision of the tribunal shall be binding on all Parties and Signatories.


If a dispute arises as to the meaning or scope of its decision, the tribunal shall construe it at the request of any disputant.

Article: 12

Unless the tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of the members of the tribunal, shall be borne in equal shares by each side. Where a side consists of more than one disputant, the tribunal shall apportion the share of that side among the disputants on that side. Where the Organization is a disputant, its expenses associated with the arbitration shall be regarded as an administrative cost of the Organization.

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