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Contents Intoroduction Preliminaries Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Appendix Index

(14) CONVENTION OF THE INTERNATIONAL MARITIME SATELLITE ORGANIZATION (INMARSAT)(Open to Signature on July 16, 1976, Enacted on October 3, 1976, Revised on October 13, 1989)


CONSIDERING the principle set forth in Resolution 1721 (XVI) of the General Assembly of the United Nations that communication by means of satellites should be available to the nations of the world as soon as practicable on a global and non-discriminatory basis,

CONSIDERING the relevant provisions of the Treaty on Principles Governing the Activities of States in the Exploration and Use of Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, concluded on 27 January 1967, and in particular Article 1, which states that outer space shall be used for the benefit and in the interests of all countries,

TAKING INTO ACCOUNT that a very high proportion of world trade is dependent upon ships,

BEING AWARE that considerable improvements to the maritime distress and safety systems and to the communication link between ships and between ships and their management as well as between crew or passengers on board and persons on shore can be made by using satellites,

DETERMINED, to this end, to make provision for the benefit of ships of all nations through the most advanced suitable space technology available, for the most efficient and economic facilities possible consistent with the most efficient and equitable use of the radio frequency spectrum and of satellite orbits,

RECOGNIZING that a maritime satellite system comprises mobile earth stations and land earth stations, as well as the space segment, AGREE AS FOLLOWS:

Article 1: Definitions
Article 2: Establishment of INMARSAT
Article 3: Purpose
Article 4: Relations between a Party and Its Designated Entity
Article 5: Operational and Financial Principles of the Organization
Article 6: Provision of Space Segment
Article 7: Access to Space Segment
Article 8: Other Space Segment
Article 9: Structure
Article 10: Assembly -- Composition and Meeting
Article 11: Assembly -- Procedure
Article 12: Assembly -- Functions
Article 13: Council -- Composition
Article 14: Council -- Procedure
Article 15: Council -- Functions
Article 16: Directorate
Article 17: Representation at Meetings
Article 18: Costs of Meetings
Article 19: Establishment of Utilization Charges
Article 20: Procurement
Article 21: Inventions and Technical Information
Article 22: Liability
Article 23: Excluded Costs
Article 24: Audit
Article 25: Legal Personality
Article 26: Privileges and Immunities
Article 27: Relationship with other International Organizations
Article 28: Notification to the International Telecommunication Union
Article 29: Withdrawal
Article 30: Suspension and Termination
Article 31: Settlement of Disputes
Article 32: Signature and Ratification
Article 33: Entry into Force
Article 34: Amendments
Article 35: Depositary
Annex: Procedures for the Settlement of Disputes Referred to in Articles 31 of the Convention and Article XVI of the Operating Agreement

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