





JAXA 理事長 奥村 直樹
DLR 長官 パスカル・エーレンフロイント
(Prof. Dr. Pascale Ehrenfreund, Chair of Executive Board)


DLR-JAXA Joint Statement

Germany and Japan have been working together on space and aeronautics activities for more than 30 years. To strengthen this cooperation, the Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (German Aerospace Center, DLR) and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) signed an ‘Inter Agency Arrangement for Strategic Partnership’ in February 2016. This collaboration is aimed at promoting the development and utilization of aerospace technologies to solve global societal challenges, as well as furthering their substantial joint work in research and development projects and missions, through the synergy of German-Japanese cooperation, thereby making both countries more competitive.

Today DLR and JAXA reiterate their willingness to consider further joint efforts, specifically in the three areas as follows:

  1. 1. Both organizations are jointly willing to improve the accuracy of satellite Green House Gasses (GHG) data and promote its applications, that will contribute to government-level efforts and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) discussions against the global climate change issues, thereby contributing to the effective implementation of the Paris Agreement.
  2. 2. Both organizations also intend to make the maximum use of micro-gravity environments, including those obtained onboard the International Space Station (ISS). There are also plans in place to explore the possibilities of potential future collaborations in space exploration beyond the Low Earth Orbit. The upcoming 2nd International Space Exploration Forum (ISEF2), which is to be hosted by the Government of Japan on 3rd March 2018, will be an important venue, allowing views to be exchanged on facilitating a productive dialogue about international cooperation for space exploration.
  3. 3. Both organizations are investigating the possibility of further bilateral collaboration in the field of planetary science. A symbolic DLR-JAXA collaboration is “Hayabusa2” with MASCOT onboard, which is travelling to the asteroid “Ryugu”, and is scheduled to reach its destination in the summer of 2018. Following this mission, JAXA is planning a mission named “DESTINY+” to demonstrate future technologies for deep space exploration by using high-performance ion engines and slimmed-down, lightweight devices onboard. The mission is also aimed at understanding the process through which the Earth became habitable. In order to elucidate the mechanism of the interplanetary dust which contains organic molecules that are essential for life, JAXA plans to develop instruments to observe an active asteroid Phaethon during its flyby, whereas DLR has an interest in providing a Dust Analyzer, a field in which Germany has had the leading expertise in the world for decades.

DLR and JAXA are planning to conduct these joint activities over the next six months.




  1. 1. 両機関は、衛星による温室効果ガス(GHG)観測データの精度向上と同データの利用を共同で促進し、気候変動問題に対応するための政府レベルの取り組みや気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)の議論に貢献することで、パリ協定の効果的な実行に寄与します。
  2. 2. 両機関は、国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)を含む微小重力環境を最大限に活用していきます。また、地球低軌道以遠の宇宙探査における将来の協力可能性についても検討する予定です。2018年3月3日に日本政府が主催する第二回国際宇宙探査フォーラム(ISEF2)は、宇宙探査のための国際協力に関し実り多い対話促進に関する意見交換ができる重要な会合になります。
  3. 3. 両機関は、惑星科学の分野でさらなる協力の可能性を検討します。JAXAとDLRの象徴的な協力であり「りゅうぐう」に向け飛行中の「はやぶさ2」にはMASCOTが搭載されており、2018年夏には目的地に到着予定です。これに続くミッションとして、JAXAは、「DESTINY+」と命名したミッションを計画中であり、小型・軽量化された機器や高性能イオンエンジンにより、将来の深宇宙探査技術の実証を目指します。また、このミッションは地球に生命居住をもたらした過程の理解も目指します。生命の必須物質である有機物を含む惑星間ダストの実態解明のために、JAXAは活動小惑星である「フェイトン」をフライバイ観測する機器の開発を計画しており、DLRは、ドイツが長年に亘り世界に優位性を誇るダスト質量分析装置の提供に関心を示しています。
