第2回KiboCUBE Quetzal-1のスケジュール(以下、日本時間)
- 2017年9月11日 第2回KiboCUBEとして選定したことを発表
- 2019年12月6日 JAXAに衛星引き渡し
- 2020年3月7日 国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)へ打上げ
- 2020年4月29日 「きぼう」日本実験棟より、ロボットアームにより放出

JAXA 佐々木宏 理事、有人宇宙技術部門長のコメント
国連宇宙部 Simonetta DiPippo 部長のコメント
Together with JAXA, our partners in the KiboCUBE project that made this deployment possible, we are delighted to welcome Guatemala to the growing community of space-faring nations! We stand ready to continue to support the utilization of this CubeSat and the overall development of the space sector in Guatemala. Today you made us immensely proud of having being part of this historic achievement.
グアテマラ・デル・バジェ大学 Roberto Moreno 学長のコメント
Today is a very special day for the members of Universidad del Valle, as well as for all Guatemalans. Finally, the first Guatemalan satellite was deployed from the International Space Station, after having been sent into space in March. This is a very important project for our community, with a deep sense of ownership by all units of the University, including not only the academic area, but all administrative and support areas. We are proud of the talented group of students, alumni, and professors that form part of a group of over one hundred members of our students and staff that made it possible. The deployment of this satellite into space is a tangible evidence of the fulfillment of the mission of Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, which aims to put science, technology, and education to the service of society and to prepare the highly needed change agents that will contribute to the development of the region. The message that we are sending today with the deployment of Quetzal-1 is a one of hope and optimism, demonstrating that we can accomplish challenging goals, join efforts, serve our communities and live meaningful lives.