1KUNS-PF(1st Kenyan University Nano Satellite-Precursor Flight)のスケジュール
- 平成30年1月16日 JAXAに衛星引き渡し
- 平成30年3月頃 国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)へ打上げ
- 平成30年春頃 「きぼう」日本実験棟より、ロボットアームにより放出
(左から)ケニア宇宙機関John Njoroge Kimani氏、在日ケニア大使館Solomon K. Maina大使、ナイロビ大学Jackson Mwangi Mbuthia教授、JAXA田崎一行・きぼう利用センター長、JAXA若田光一・ISSプログラムマネージャー、JAXA三宅正純・調査国際部長
JAXA 若田光一 ISSプログラムマネージャ/有人宇宙技術センター長のコメント
I am pleased that the First KiboCUBE CubeSat “1 KUNS-PF” which was developed by the University of Nairobi of the Republic of Kenya and jointly selected by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and JAXA as the first KiboCUBE, was successfully handed over to JAXA. At JAXA, we are committed to making every effort to prepare for the successful deployment of the Republic of Kenya's first satellite utilizing the unique capability of the Japanese Experiment Module “Kibo” on the International Space Station.
国連宇宙部 Di Pippo部長(UNOOSA Director Ms. Simonetta Di Pippo)のコメント
The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs is very proud of its partnership with JAXA to provide access to space for developing countries through the innovative KiboCUBE programme. This handover ceremony from the University of Nairobi is a significant step in the first round of this programme, and I look forward the next milestones in this exciting initiative. The KiboCUBE Programme is bound to become a model of collaboration between UNOOSA and its partners to develop the capabilities of developing nations in accessing and using the benefits of space science and technology.
ナイロビ大学 Jackson Mwangi Mbuthia教授のコメント
2018年1月16日、JAXA筑波宇宙センターにて、ナイロビ大学のチームがJAXAに1st Kenyan University Nano Satellite (1KUN)を無事引き渡したことを嬉しく思います。1KUNS-PFは、ケニア初の衛星として開発され、またナイロビ大学によって運用される初めての衛星です。ナイロビ大学の1KUNS-PFチームは、UNOOSAとJAXAの共同プログラムである第1回KiboCUBEに選ばれました。
I am delighted that on January 16, 2018, at the JAXA Tsukuba Space Centre, the University of Nairobi team handed over the 1st Kenyan University Nano Satellite (1KUNS) to JAXA for deployment through the JAXA KiboCube. The 1KUNS-PF is the first Satellite to be developed by Kenya and first Satellite to be operated by a Kenyan University. The University of Nairobi 1KUNS-PF team won the first opportunity to launch 1U Cubesat under the KiboCube program between UNOOSA and JAXA.